Not gonna lie.. this is my absolute FAVORITE review I’ve been dying to do for y’all.
I’ve been on the search for great hair products that I can continuously use for YEARS now! I’ve tried every brand I can think of that’s tailored to natural/textured hair or any of the brands you’d fine in the “urban” hair aisle at your local store.
When I tell you @michebeauty_ is THE BEST, I truly mean it! I ordered the intense moisture collection to start. I purchased their sample pack so I could try out all of the products.. from the first use, I was HOOKED!
The amount of products you get for 1 is a no brainer, but the time they last is even better.
I’m not kidding y’all. I’ve already bought their products twice. I just received my full-size versions yesterday and plan to be a repeat customer for life.
I’ve never used products that just melt into my hair like butter and leave it feeling so moisturized & soft.
I even convinced my mom, @tonya.cgarrett to buy them (credits to her for this lovely photo), and normally we don’t agree on hair products due to my hair being naturally more coily than hers, and she loves them too!
If you do anything or want to try anything, I highly HIGHLY recommend the leave-in conditioner and the curl refresher spray. It works wonders on me and my daughters hair.
If y’all haven’t bought anything we’ve recommended on our page yet, THIS IS THE ONE!
Seriously. Go.
I promise you will not regret it!